51 Reasons to Thank Jagex
- Let us thank them for RuneScape.
- Let us thank them for RuneScape Classic. (Remember that antique?)
- Let us thank Jagex for pointless quests
- Let us thank Jagex for Party hats.
- Let us thank Jagex for Halloween Masks.
- Let us thank Jagex for a ruined economy.
- Let us thank Jagex for pointless skills like farming.
- Let us thank Jagex for getting rid of our day jobs and our social lives.
- Let us thank Jagex for not making fan sites illegal.
- Let us thank Jagex for making our passwords secure.
- Let us thank Jagex for allowing us to die in the wild while mining rune due to the secure screen.
- Let us thank Jagex for painstaking bank pins.
- Let us Thank Jagex for giving Hackers and Scammers a great hangout.
- Let us thank Jagex for making about a million people cry everyday.
- Let us thank Jagex for making children between eleven and eighty-two happy.
- Let us thank Jagex for allowing us to have a good time.
- Let us thank Jagex for serving minors free beer.
- Let us thank Jagex for allowing us to have keg parties.
- Let us thank Jagex for creating a dwarf that likes to throw rocks at us.
- Let us thank Jagex for a wonderful king in all parts of RuneScape. (Even if some of them do wish to destroy it with evil demon creatures)
- Let us thank Jagex for the Crafting Guild.
- Let us thank Jagex for the Champions’s Guild.
- Let us thank Jagex for the Mining Guild.
- Let us thank Jagex for the Hero’s Guild.
- Let us thank Jagex for the Legends guild.
- Let u s thank Jagex for the Magic Guild.
- Let us thank Jagex for the Ranging Guild
- Let us thank Jagex for the Prayer Guild.
- Let us thank Jagex for the Fishing Guild.
- Let us thank Jagex for Castle Wars
- Let us thank Jagex for the Duel Arena.
- Let us thank Jagex for giving the world free grass.
- Let us thank Jagex for not banning the noobs.
- Let us thank Jagex for legalizing murder.
- Let us thank Jagex for crazy mimes, and evil chickens.
- Let us thank Jagex for giant frogs.
- Let us thank Jagex for Jagex for scythes, and headless zombies.
- Let us thank Jagex for Santa hats, and bunny ears.
- Let us thank Jagex for undead cows.
- Let us thank Jagex for crazy polls.
- Let us thank Jagex for gold fish and pet rocks.
- Let us thank Jagex for teaching English to the masses.
- Let us thank Jagex for Demon drill sergeants.
- Let us thank Jagex for Bob the Cat.
- Let us thank Jagex for three headed crazy half-dog half-dragon half wildebeest monsters.
- Let us thank Jagex for the multiple attempts at murder.
- Let us thank Jagex for allowing us to repent for our RuneScapian Sins.
- Let us thank Jagex for creating a crazy half-baked religion. With insane followers who seem to always be bent on world destruction even if they worship the god of peace.
- Let us thank Jagex for chicken because they refuse to give us turkey.
- Let us thank Jagex for their amazing work.
- And finally let us thank Jagex for taking this all as a joke. I mean why not have a little fun. I mean that’s what a "Thank You" is for.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read fifty-one crazy and outrageous thank yous. And if you have a few of your own talk to that crazy guy in everyone’s head name Fred, and he’ll be sure
Written by: Since I Was Gone and Dr. Henry
Proofread by: Purpender
Coded by: Gamestar