51 Reasons to Thank Jagex

  1. Let us thank them for RuneScape.
  2. Let us thank them for RuneScape Classic. (Remember that antique?)
  3. Let us thank Jagex for pointless quests
  4. Let us thank Jagex for Party hats.
  5. Let us thank Jagex for Halloween Masks.
  6. Let us thank Jagex for a ruined economy.
  7. Let us thank Jagex for pointless skills like farming.
  8. Let us thank Jagex for getting rid of our day jobs and our social lives.
  9. Let us thank Jagex for not making fan sites illegal.
  10. Let us thank Jagex for making our passwords secure.
  11. Let us thank Jagex for allowing us to die in the wild while mining rune due to the secure screen.
  12. Let us thank Jagex for painstaking bank pins.
  13. Let us Thank Jagex for giving Hackers and Scammers a great hangout.
  14. Let us thank Jagex for making about a million people cry everyday.
  15. Let us thank Jagex for making children between eleven and eighty-two happy.
  16. Let us thank Jagex for allowing us to have a good time.
  17. Let us thank Jagex for serving minors free beer.
  18. Let us thank Jagex for allowing us to have keg parties.
  19. Let us thank Jagex for creating a dwarf that likes to throw rocks at us.
  20. Let us thank Jagex for a wonderful king in all parts of RuneScape. (Even if some of them do wish to destroy it with evil demon creatures)
  21. Let us thank Jagex for the Crafting Guild.
  22. Let us thank Jagex for the Champions’s Guild.
  23. Let us thank Jagex for the Mining Guild.
  24. Let us thank Jagex for the Hero’s Guild.
  25. Let us thank Jagex for the Legends guild.
  26. Let u s thank Jagex for the Magic Guild.
  27. Let us thank Jagex for the Ranging Guild
  28. Let us thank Jagex for the Prayer Guild.
  29. Let us thank Jagex for the Fishing Guild.
  30. Let us thank Jagex for Castle Wars
  31. Let us thank Jagex for the Duel Arena.
  32. Let us thank Jagex for giving the world free grass.
  33. Let us thank Jagex for not banning the noobs.
  34. Let us thank Jagex for legalizing murder.
  35. Let us thank Jagex for crazy mimes, and evil chickens.
  36. Let us thank Jagex for giant frogs.
  37. Let us thank Jagex for Jagex for scythes, and headless zombies.
  38. Let us thank Jagex for Santa hats, and bunny ears.
  39. Let us thank Jagex for undead cows.
  40. Let us thank Jagex for crazy polls.
  41. Let us thank Jagex for gold fish and pet rocks.
  42. Let us thank Jagex for teaching English to the masses.
  43. Let us thank Jagex for Demon drill sergeants.
  44. Let us thank Jagex for Bob the Cat.
  45. Let us thank Jagex for three headed crazy half-dog half-dragon half wildebeest monsters.
  46. Let us thank Jagex for the multiple attempts at murder.
  47. Let us thank Jagex for allowing us to repent for our RuneScapian Sins.
  48. Let us thank Jagex for creating a crazy half-baked religion. With insane followers who seem to always be bent on world destruction even if they worship the god of peace.
  49. Let us thank Jagex for chicken because they refuse to give us turkey.
  50. Let us thank Jagex for their amazing work.
  51. And finally let us thank Jagex for taking this all as a joke. I mean why not have a little fun. I mean that’s what a "Thank You" is for.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read fifty-one crazy and outrageous thank yous. And if you have a few of your own talk to that crazy guy in everyone’s head name Fred, and he’ll be sure

Written by: Since I Was Gone and Dr. Henry
Proofread by: Purpender
Coded by: Gamestar